This is how we deliver financial wellbeing...

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1-to-1 coaching

We deliver our 1-to-1 coaching via video sessions, which are accessible in every employee dashboard.

live chat

Your employees have access to their designated finance professional via WhatsApp. WhatsApp's end to end encryption means that all conversations are completely private and secure.

financial content

All employees will have access to our exclusive guides, podcast, videos and blogs found in the employee dashboard. Through education we hope to empower your employees to make great financial decisions.

your Employees' Journey...

Dashboard mockup

We ask each employee what they need

We have created an in-depth questionnaire which looks at their past (relationship to money), present (spending habits) and future (goals).

EAch employee will be designated an expert

We work with you to create a financial plan to meet short-term and long-term objectives. They can also ask any question that comes to mind via instant chat over WhatsApp.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

We track their goals and answer any questions

We periodically check-in with your employees to track progress and see if anything has changed. Much like a personal trainer, we are here to keep them accountable and act as a sounding board when they need help.
Get started with MT

So you've made it this far, which means you care about your employees' financial happiness.

Good news! Our sole purpose in life is to help people with their finances.

So hit that button!